Frustrated To Be Facing Valentine’s Day Alone Again? GOOD.

Why Valentine’s Day Unhappiness is the BEST

Are you tired of bracing yourself for the hype of Valentine’s day year after year?

What if you could be planning a weekend getaway with the woman of your dreams instead?



Look, I understand how you must be feeling: lonely, frustrated, and frankly, probably ready to give up some days. And I understand why – you’ve been wanting a fulfilling relationship for a long time, trying everything you can think of and you still aren’t seeing any results. I understand because every one of my clients feels the exact same way.

And who wouldn’t be frustrated?? Who wouldn’t want to give up? What person in their right mind would keep banging their head against a wall expecting to make a dent?

So you know what I say to that frustration?


GET frustrated! Get angry – let that energy motivate you to try something NEW that might actually clear the road to the amazing relationship you want (because what you’ve been doing certainly hasn’t been working!).

Let your frustration break you through your resistance – that hesitation to ask for help, your preference to isolate rather than reach out – and push you toward real change!


I have over 15 years of experience in this field and I can tell you right now that there is nothing more powerful than getting to that point where you’re willing to do whatever it takes to alleviate your pain and fix the problem. THAT is when change happens.

Is this the year?

You have the opportunity right now to decide that this will be the LAST Valentine’s day you will spend alone. You have the chance to decide that you will do whatever it takes to get out of your own way and find the woman who was meant for you. And to never let her go.

I help people do this every single day: find what’s holding them back and eliminate it. Permanently. And FAST.

Are you ready to start your life?

Click here to schedule a free call with me, and let’s see how I can help. 

To your love and success!

Dominey Drew, MSc.

Are You Resisting Being Happy?

Self-sabotage. Resistance Lack of motivation. Distraction.

Whatever it is that keeps you from moving towards what you want (or even makes you move AWAY from it!), that behavior is responsible for keeping you from having what you want – it’s holding you back in life, and it’s keeping you single.

And we ALL do it! It’s not just singles, it’s not just guys, it’s NOT just you.

How do I know?

I have many guys in my program right now who had spent most of their life self-sabotaging and had no idea why. They were held back by anxiety, fear of rejection, negative relationship patterns, and painful past experiences. Once they begin working with me not only their relationship with women changes, but they get more self-confident, more optimistic, more hopeful, and more ATTRACTIVE to the right women.

So, what does this sabotage look like, how do we recognize it in ourselves? Here are a few ideas to help you see how you’re holding yourself back:

1) Avoiding help

The truth is that most of us would rather try to solve our problems on our own. It is intimidating and uncomfortable to share them with other people, speak them out loud, it makes it real in a way. It’s easier just to sit and read these e-mails and think about the information than to get on a call with me, join a program and CHANGE. Being happy takes work. Is it worth it, for you?

2) Thinking things are going to change on their own

Every day I see people continuing doggedly along down their path doing the same things that AREN’T working! If what you’re doing is giving you results you don’t want, then you have to change something! Otherwise you’re doing the same things and expecting a different result – insanity.

3) Listening to the advice of friends and family

They’re your family and of course they want to help you. But the fact of the matter is that most people only give “advice” based on their own limited experience and it’s almost never relevant to your specific situation. It’s what THEY think you should do, based on THEIR knowledge of you and your problem and THEIR life experience. That’s a lot of variables.

First of all, you’re smart – if whatever is keeping you single were something you could figure out with your head you would have done so already! Right?! So how could your friends and family have insights about your life that you haven’t figured out already? They have even less information about the situation than you do!

The fact of the matter is this is not something you can figure out with your head, which is why I can help.

I have a proven process that I have used with massive success over the last 15 years. This process is designed to put you in touch with the deeper levels of your subconscious where the self-sabotage exists. Because consciously you want what you want, right? So if you aren’t getting it then there is something underneath the surface that is working against you – and until you address it you will stay stuck right where you are.

So what are you telling yourself now that’s keeping you from moving forward in this area of life?

  • “Dominey can’t help me, no one can.”

  • “She’s just trying to get my money.”

  • “I will be alone forever, why even bother getting my hopes up?”

  • “I need to work with someone in person.”


None of these things are true, but they if you believe them then they will be strong enough to keep you stuck in your rut. Whatever shape your self-sabotage is taking, you can recognize it by simply asking whether it is moving you TOWARDS what you want, or away from it. Help is in front of you. It’s as simple as that.

If you’re ready to create REAL change – to finally kick your personal style of self-sabotage to the curb and learn exactly how to create a lasting, fulfilling relationship, then follow the link below. It will lead you to a short video of me talking about who I am and what I do, and then it will give you the chance to schedule the time to get on a call with me or my highly trained team and we will chat about how we can help. 

I am helping men work through relationship issues they’ve carried for decades, every day. Are you ready to be free?

2 Powerful Hacks to Boost Your Confidence & Attractiveness

As you probably know, I help single men attract life partners through personal and relationship coaching. What you may not know, is that of the thousands of men I have spoken to on this issue, over 80% of them are single because of low self-confidence.

Guys, this is a KILLER.

The fact of the matter is, it doesn’t matter how many dating sites you’re on or how hard you try, if you don’t have any faith in yourself, then you’ll miss the right women even if she’s right under your nose!

So I thought I’d offer a couple of hacks to those of you who may be struggling with low self-confidence around women.

(If you want more than just hacks go here: )


This is such a common problem, so the first thing I want to say is that YOU’RE NOT ALONE! My program is filled with guys just like you who are struggling to approach, speak to and attract women. So don’t think you’re the only one.

If self-confidence is an issue for you, you most likely tend to isolate – it’s just human nature. No one really wants to discuss their problems and vulnerabilities, but this is EXACTLY what takes you from where you are to where you want to be.

So if you are isolating yourself, make CONTACT. Reach out! Risk opening yourself to others even just a tiny bit, and it will start to create movement out of stagnation and things start to shift.


Take a look at the places you spend your time, the people you spend it with, and the things you spend it doing. Write down everything in a list form and really examine it.

As you read through that list, how do you feel? Energized and excited? Or listless and down?

If any aspect of that list makes you feel down or you have complicated reasons for keeping it the way it is, or ANYTHING like that, then seriously consider reshaping that part.

If your life makes you excited and lit up then that will radiate out from you wherever you go. And take it from me: there is NOTHING MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN THAT! 😉

There is a way through your loneliness. I have a proven method and I help guys just like you do it every day.

If you’re ready to start living your best life, with your best mate, follow this link. It will take you to a short video of me talking a bit about who I am and what I do, and if you’re interested then you can schedule a time to chat about what you’re going through.

To your successful relationships!!

Dominey Drew

How is Self-Sabotage Keeping You Single?

Dominey Drew here, from the Art of Attraction. You know, I’ve spent most of my life sabotaging myself. It’s true. It always felt as though I had one foot on the gas pedal in life, and one foot on the brake. Ultimately, I never felt like I was going anywhere!

Finally, I decided I’d had enough and learned EXACTLY how to finally eliminate my self-sabotage forever. I was so impressed with this process that I spent the next 15 years studying it, training in it and teaching it. My life has changed 180 degrees since then!!

Now, I am happy every single day – I have incredible relationships, incredible success in business, and incredible positivity in my outlook which used to be ruled by negativity and self-doubt.

And now, I teach men how to eliminate their self-sabotage around women and relationships. There are three main issues I see holding guys back from what they want around women:

1) they are doing everything right and have no idea why it isn’t working,

2) they are struggling with approach anxiety and are afraid to approach women they really want, or

3) they repeatedly attract the wrong women over and over again.

Any of these sound like you? Well, it’s not all bad – the good news is that every single one of those issues is within your control to fix. I had all of them and fixed every one!!

Today I thought I’d shoot a quick video for you about how exactly self-sabotage is the ONLY thing keeping you single: check it out!

The #1 Mistake I See Men Make That Keeps Them Single

This morning I spoke to a man who has struggled for YEARS to find and talk to attractive women.

I asked him what specifically tended to happen when he saw those women.

“I start to feel nervous, have no idea what to say, and then start to overanalyze the situation.”

In short, he psychs himself out and never ends up approaching her at all.

Does this sound familiar to you?

I work with a lot of single men, helping them through these frustrating and repetitive issues (many of which have been going on their entire lives). So they can openly and easily attract a woman that really loves them for them. And for most of them, this is really what they want – that real, substantial companionship, acceptance and emotional support that comes with a really good, lasting relationship.

But if you carry beliefs in your subconscious that nobody wants you or that you’re not good enough, you can bet that that will keep you single. Even if you do manage to get the nerve up to go talk to someone you REALLY want, that deep insecurity will show through and she’ll feel it, because it’s lurking in your subconscious – unfortunately there’s no hiding what you really believe.

But although there’s no fixing this while the belief remains, there IS a way to address that belief directly and solve the problem. PERMANENTLY.

I help people do this every day.

So if this sounds like you and you’re tired of the anxiety, frustration, and “stuck-ness” of your dating life, reach out and schedule a call with me. It’s free, and you’ll spend an hour getting insight on what the problem is. You’ll be more informed, more clear, and more confident about your ability to fix this issue.

The relationship you want is right on the other side of your fears.

I can help you get there.

Anxiety Approaching Women

I sat down at my desk the other day to write a podcast episode, and began reflecting on the most common problem that the men are experiencing in their dating lives. I’ve realized that nearly all of them can be boiled down to one of these two:

1) They are continuously single with no idea why, despite thinking that they’re doing all the right things, or

2) They struggle with approach anxiety and get into over-thinking when they see someone they find attractive, or just go blank entirely.

I have been doing this work for 15 years, and now my passion is to help single guys just like you to figure out EXACTLY why they’re still single, and to teach them, step by step, what to do to fix it.

Of the hundreds of single men that I talk to, I hear these complaints the most. So today, I’d like to talk about approach anxiety, and the fastest, most effective way I’ve found to eliminate it:

~~ Anxiety approaching women: Look for the voice. ~~

Try slowing down for a minute, and let yourself breathe, and just notice your breath as it comes in and out of your body. Give yourself time to actually slow down (this is important).

After a couple of minutes, let yourself bring to mind a situation in which this has happened, just one. Slow down the situation until you can see exactly what happens when you see that woman. Maybe you feel attraction and want to go over to her, but you freeze and go blank. Or maybe you start getting nervous and overthinking.

Again, letting this be slow, what is the thought that you have, right before the fear starts? Look deeply there and you will find a phrase or a sentence that you “hear” in your head right before you go blank or start to feel anxious.

The Magical System

This process might seem crazy, but it’s MAGIC. Because this is not really a thought, it is actually a belief. Beliefs are very deep and much more powerful than thoughts, and they operate in the subconscious, which means that until you bring it to your awareness, nothing about your relationships with women will change. It’s simply impossible.

Those subconscious beliefs will keep you in the same operating pattern for your entirely life if you don’t change them. That’s what I have studied for over 15 years and that is my area of expertise.

(You can find out more about what I do and how I can help you, here: )

And now, I have created an 8-week course that teaches you exactly why you are struggling to find a lasting relationship, and exactly how to fix it, step by step.

If you’re wondering if it works, it WORKS.

If you’re wondering if people are getting results, they ARE.

There is never going to be a better time than now, if you let whatever excuse is going on in your head (“I just don’t have the time right now”, “when I finish this other thing I’m doing”, “when I’m in a better financial situation”..) then you might face being single for a long time.

It’s never going to feel like the right time.

Make it the right time right now.

If you’re really ready to STEP UP and change this area of your life permanently, then follow the link below and book free call with me or my team. We will identify why you’re still single and see how I can help. You can schedule a time here: